Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Compare and Contrast

Life can be very different depending on where you live. From your home, to the clothes you wear, to the way you talk, even to the food you eat is determined by the area that you are living in. There are many options as to where you can be living. Two choices include the city and the farm. Living on a farm and living in the city, though similar, have many aspects that differentiate them from each other.
            Living on a farm is a way of life that many people all over the world choose. Life on a farm is usually very simple and slow-paced. When you live on a farm, your day typically starts very early in the morning and you go to sleep early at night. Another aspect of living on a farm is that many of the things that you eat are home grown or come from the animals that you are raising. Farmers tend to grow all of their own crops, including corn, wheat, and other fruits and vegetables. They obtain a large portion of their meat from the animals that are raised on the farm, including cows, chickens, and pigs. Not only do they eat what they produce on the farm, many times this also serves as their source of income. Most times, the entire family works on the farm. Each member of the family usually has their own set of jobs to do on the farm. Living on a farm is also a basic type of life style without many high priced amenities. Even though most farms are very large in size, farmers tend to live in close-knit communities where everybody knows one another. The environment has a great aspect on farming. A year with a heavy drought or an excess of rain can ruin a farmer’s season causing them to lose their income.
            Living in the city is another way of life that you can choose. Life in the city is usually very complicated and fast-paced. Living in the city can also be quite expensive, even if you cook your own food at home you still have to purchase it from different stores. Housing is also usually very expensive and a typical family with few children would pay very high rent due to the fact that they need several rooms in their apartment. There is more of a nightlife when living in the city, and people tend to go to sleep later even if they have to wake up early for work. The source of income for people who live in the city depends on the type of job that you have, out of the many possibilities. Traveling in the city is usually very easy, with public transportation such as buses, trains, and taxis.
            Living on a farm tends to be very different from living in a city. To start off, farm life is more slow-paced, while city life is more fast-paced. On a farm, people depend on owning their own vehicle for travel due to the fact that everything is spread out, including schools and stores. In the city, many people don’t even own a car. Public transportation is easily accessible to take you places and most stores and schools can be within walking distance of where you reside. Another difference between the two ways of life is that the farmer lives in a close-knit community where he knows all of his neighbors. In the city, you can live in the same apartment building as someone your entire life and not even know who he or she is. People on farms depend on what they grow as their source of food, whereas people in the city buy their source of food from the stores. The weather has a great impact on a farmer’s life and normally does not affect the life of someone in the city. The standard of living also tends to be different between the two. Things are more expensive in the city and people tend to send money on more extravagant things like designer brands. Living on a farm, they tend not to care as much about these high priced amenities.
            Though these two styles of living are very different, they are also very similar. No matter where you live, members of the family must have some type of job as a source of income. Children, no matter where they live, are required to attend school. Also, in both places people are able to interact with other individuals in a social setting.
            Though there are many differences between the two areas, life goes on no matter where you live. People must still work, eat, and interact with others. There is definitely a difference in the way they live, work, and travel, yet there are many aspects that connect them to each other.


  1. 1. I really enjoy the structure and how you dissected the living conditions of both places.

    2. Yes.

    3. Yes.

    4. INTRO- topic A- topic B- how they're different- how they're similar- CONCLUSION

    5. Yes, you mapped out what you wanted to say well.

    6. Yes.

    7. Very short, but they get the point across.

    8. No.

    9. No.

    12. Could've chosen a few more similarities.

  2. 1. The essay had a good introduction as well as a good thesis ststement to start the essay off.
    2. Yes it is
    3. Yes
    4. the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs generalize the life of living in a city and a farm. The 4rth paragraph describes the differences and 5th describes the similarities.
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. Yes, the intro and conclusion are effective.
    8. No
    9. All necessary information was included.
    11. No
    12. No the essay is good as it is.

  3. 1) I like how you wrote about the two different lifestyles and then condensed it together to talk about their similarities and differences.

    2)Yes it is clear the life of a farmer vs life in city

    3) Yes her thesis explains her essay very well

    4)introduction, life of a farmer, life in the city, differences of each, similarities of each

    5)Yes I actually like the way you organized this and how you go into great detail about the lives of each lifestyle

    6) Yes you stated very well how each type of lifestyle can be very different and you used good description to talk about their lifestyles.

    7)I really liked the introduction mainly because you did a good job of gripping the readers attention as to how each lifestyle is different.

    8)No each paragraph was well written. I knew what I was reading and was not confused at all.

    9) I think you covered everything there is to know about each lifestyle


    11) What I noticed as I read this paper is you start your paragraphs off in the same way. I would just switch it up a little bit you use Living and though as the main starters.


  4. 1. The third body paragraph in which she contrasts living on a farm as opposed to living in the city is very well written.
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    5. Yes, the organization is easy to follow and understandable.
    6. Yes, the body paragraphs have plenty of information in which the writer states what entails living on a farm and living in the city.
    7. The conclusion is a bit short, but still gets the point across.
    8. No.
    9. No.

  5. 1. I liked the examples provided for each side.
    2. Yes City Life & Farm Life
    3."Living on a farm and living in the city, though similar, have many aspects that differentiate them from each other."
    4. Intro, farm life, city life, how they differ, how they are the same, conclusion
    5. yes
    6. yes many examples are provided on how the two differ and how they are similar
    7. Yes they tie in well with each other and recap what the essay is actually about
    8/9/11. no

  6. 1. The structure and the organization of the comparing and contrasting was very well done
    2. Yes, clearly.
    3. Yes
    4. Intro/Life on the farm/Life in the city/Differences/Similarities/Conclusion
    5. Yes, it helps the reader understand exactly what's being compared and why it's being compared.
    6. N/A
    7. They are effective. Long enough to GET the reader interested, short enough to KEEP the reader interested.
    8. No
    9. No, I did not feel as if any information was missing.
    10. N/A
    11. N/A
    12. In the future I believe she can add one more similarity, and one more difference.

  7. 1) I like the examples given for each lifestyle and the way you concluded your essay was very well done.
    2) Yes.
    3) Yes. The thesis is, “Living on a farm and living in the city, though similar, have many aspects that differentiate them from each other.”
    4) The structure of the essay is it started with an introduction, then a body paragraph about farm life, the next body paragraph tells about city life, the third body paragraph is about the differences between them, the final body paragraph tells about the similarities, and the essay end with a conclusion.
    5) Yes, the organization was very effective.
    6) Yes, there was sufficient evidence given to support the thesis.
    7) Yes, both the introduction and conclusion were effective. I especially like the way you summed up the essay in your conclusion.
    8) No.
    9) No.
    11) No.

  8. 5 sentence paragraph showing comparison and contrast about the topic life in the farm and living in the city
